Big Noise from Kentucky
On May 5th, 1944, the 449 Bomb Group was attacking targets in Ploesti. While over the target, Liberator No 42-52149 "Big Noise from...

Aid for Clinical Center Nis
In partnership with Lifeline Chicago, Pittsburgh Tri-State Committee, and HRH Princess Katherine Foundation we presented medical...

Humanitarian help for Pranjani
We distributed humanitarian assistance to 180 needy and elderly residents in Pranjani. Medical equipment for combatting the coronavirus...

April 24. Mission to Bucharest
B-24 Liberator, 41-29199, named Big Boober Girl by her crew, on the photo with trailing smoke from a damaged engine en route to...

Bombing of Belgrade on Easter 1944.
On April 16-17, 1944 more than 360 Allied bombers attacked targets in Belgrade. Among them were railroad marshaling yards, the aircraft...

April 15, Liberator
Thornton Carlough, B-24 Liberator copilot, seen in this photo from November 1944, when he arrived back in the United States after...

Halyard Mission Airfields (4)
The Halyard rescue mission used three airfields for the evacuations, all of which have been discussed in earlier entries on our website....

Ploesti Offensive Begins
On 4 April 1944, flying from bases in Southern Italy, the US Air Force began its offensive against the Ploesti oil fields in Romania. The...

Halyard mission Airfields (3) - Boljanić
Boljanić airfield in Bosnia (called Bunar in ACRU documents) was the last airfield used by the Halyard mission. It was made after the...

Halyard Mission Airfields (2) - Koceljeva
Koceljeva field, near Valjevo in western Serbia, was second airfield used by Halyard mission. Local field was quickly prepared for...